Donate Raffle or Auction Items
JoyRon Foundation relies on coordinating various fund raising events to generate funds for the charitable causes it supports. Many if not most of these fund raising events are ideal opportunities to raise funds by the organisation of a raffle during the event. Some events, such as the JoyRon Annual Gala Dinner, also justify the holding of an auction. Hence the foundation is always delighted to receive from companies and individuals the donation of raffle prizes and items to auction, in order to raise funds.
Almost all companies have products or services that they could consider donating, such as a restaurant donation of a voucher for dinner and wine or a hairdresser to donate a hairdressing appointment, or a gym to donate a number of training sessions etc etc. In addition almost all individuals have access to companies that they can approach for such similar raffle prizes. In fact, all of us have tucked away in our bottom drawers, those unwanted gifts from the past, many of which could make ideal raffle prizes if they are still classified as unwanted.
With respect to auction prizes usually items valued in excess of euro 1,000 but not less than euro 500 can with the right audience raise large sums of money for the benefit of the foundation and thereby for the benefit of the Children in Need. When the foundation organises a raffle or an auction, All companies are individually named of the raffle prize listings and also individually named and promoted during the auction.
We seek to carry a stock of Raffle Prizes for upcoming raffles, thereby easing the workload close to the date of the fund raising event. However in view of the monetary value of auction items these are sought some two months prior to the actual auction event, but always nice to know what could be available at the time of need.

Therefore the foundation is always in need of companies or individuals who are willing to donate raffle prizes and items that can be auctioned. If you are a company or an individual, that would be willing to donate such items to the foundation from time to time. Please let us know.