Financial Donations Corporate or Private
One of the many ways to support JoyRon Foundation irrespective of whether you are a corporation or a private individual is to make a financial donation to the foundation. If you are a corporation or a small business it is a way to give something back to the local community, in order to help the the Children in Need in the Baleares. If you are a private individual hopefully it will give you a level of self satisfaction knowing your money is also helping the same children. Please note the Foundation does not receive any funding from the Spanish Government.
The Benefits of Making a free donation (no conditions attached) in exchange for a Spanish Tax Deductible Certificate
In Spain donations to a charity can be tax deductible. If the charity is recognised as an official charitable body, then you are allowed to deduct as a corporation some 34% approx, and as an individual some 27% approx, of your total donation from your tax bill. i.e. Your tax bill is directly reduced – provided it is not a deduction from taxable income. One condition is that you must be able to if requested, produce an authorised certificate from the charity concerned, showing that the donation was made by a bank transfer to the foundation.
Fundacion JoyRon (JoyRon Foundation) is registered to provide such Tax Deductible Donation Certificates for Spanish Tax Payers (both individuals and companies). At this point in time we issue such certificates, when requested by the donator on any donation(s) amounting to 500€ or more for a company 250€ or more for an individual within the same tax year. Any enquiries or requests for Spanish Tax Deductible Donation Certificates should be sent by e-mail to
- For any company that agrees to donate a minimum of euro 500 per annum for a minimum of two consecutive years, JoyRon Foundation will classify them as a Corporate Collaborating Partner to the foundation and we will add them to our collaborating partner page on our website. See our icon tab Our Corporate and Collaborating Partners.

Your Donation payment will be 100 % used for the mission and purpose of the foundation to Help and Support the Children in Need in the Baleares. Your support, no matter how big or small, can help make a huge impact in a child`s life and will make an immediate and lasting difference for the vulnerable children by supporting our community service projects for the children in need via the JoyRon Foundation.
Your donation payment must be made by a Bank Transfer to be eligible for a Spanish Tax Deductible Donation Certificate. If no certificate is required then the donation payment can be made by a credit card payment if you so desire.
If corporate or private donation to the foundation is not your favoured way to support the foundation, maybe you have some other ideas of how you can help, if so please let us know, or alternatively review the additional idea’s proposed within the selection of icons listed within the menu under How You Can Help when you return to the website menu.